July 31, 2024 00:42:01
The Law of One & Non-Duality w/ Gabriel Lugo

Jul 31 2024 | 00:42:01


Show Notes

Is There Too Much Love? | Follow my work https:/ | Live the Law of One through The Direct Path |
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Second part of session 104. Let's talk here about unnecessary worry and acceptance. [00:00:08] Let's begin in the last episode, the first part of this session, we cover, of course, personal material. And then the conversation went into advice for their cat, Gandalf, which was already pretty old and was entering its final months of life. And so some of the questions went into that. And we're gonna just finish that. This is probably going to be a very short episode. As we. We just covered the conversation between Don and Ra. There is very little material that we can extract here other than, again, Don's worry about the cat, which obviously has a very moving element to it, but it highlights how much we can worry about something that sometimes we just have to let go. [00:01:21] And at the end, just a curious thing. But Rod doesn't seem to be interested in elaborating too much here. But again, that's what they were open to. And Don was asking the questions, so that's what we have. [00:01:41] So again, we're going to talk about Gandalf the cat here. And just as a refresher, the cat, as one of its, let's say, consequences of being old, had what I believe was a cataract in both eyes, maybe. So his eyesight was not really good, and due to that, I guess he wasn't able to move as much as it used to be before. And so Don was concerned. [00:02:16] Questions, questions about all of this. And Ra mentioned that there are some drops that they could use, and they had to find the appropriate doctor or vet that could prescribe that. [00:02:28] But it wasn't the best solution. [00:02:32] Ra said that it was, in essence, more harm to give the drops or put the drops in the cat's eyes than to just let him be and not be able to see well. So just allow him to just be the way it was happening to him. So we're gonna pick up with the following question, which is the one that we left over off, and this is question 14. Don says, could we administer the drops you spoke of that would help his eyesight so that he wouldn't find the. He pauses and then continues so that he wouldn't be confined. Is there any way that we could do that? And Ra says, it is unlikely that administering the drops that way. [00:03:29] And Don says, there's nothing that we can do. Is there any other possibility of using any techniques to help his eyesight? And Ra says, no. [00:03:40] Then Don says, is this loss of eyesight? [00:03:45] What is the metaphysical reason for the loss of the eyesight? What brought it about Ra, in this case, the metaphysical component is tiny. This is the condign catalyst of old age. [00:04:00] I think condign means benign. [00:04:04] I only know this because I read it here in the. Yeah. Appropriate or worthy is what condign means. [00:04:13] So, yeah, I mean, on the one side. [00:04:22] On the one side. Again, I said this in the last episode. [00:04:27] We can see the care and the love that Don had for the cat. And that's, you know, that's just how we are with our pets. We want to do everything for them. And at the same time, we begin to see how much of too much worry is to have, you know, on. On something that's happening. And I often find that the rebuttal to this sometimes, and our minds are designed this way to a degree, is to say, well, if I just accept it, then, you know, I. I'm just not doing enough. I. [00:05:10] I'm not being caring enough. [00:05:16] We. We can be hard on ourselves for not caring too much. [00:05:23] And so I guess we all have to find a balance there and see how much do we care? That is enough to the point that it starts to take away from our harmony, take away from even, like, in this case, trying to give something to the cat that would, to us, make him feel better, and in reality, it won't. It would actually worsen. Worsen its own experience. [00:05:54] So that's the kind of thing that I'm talking about here. Of course, you know, we cannot help but care for our pets, but at the same time, we need to find how much is too much for ourselves to be worried, and also that we can be subjecting them to experiences that it's probably not the best. And we have done this with other humans. Of course we do this with other humans. [00:06:21] So this extrapolates to our relationships with everybody, too. How much do we care? To the point in which it's affecting us. And you would be surprised on the subtlest ways in which we do this. [00:06:38] So it's a matter of paying attention, of why do I feel this emotion? And sometimes we notice that, oh, it's because I want them or him or her to understand this, to see this. That's something that I can see in my own experience. [00:07:00] I've seen in my own way of communicating with friends or family or somebody that I care, that I want them to know, I want them to understand what I have to say. And I find a little bit of too much worry in myself. And then I say, why? Why do I care so much? You see, caring is one thing. Caring too much is where it starts to get a little unstable. [00:07:32] And, you know, that can definitely go into me being unkind, which I have been, and I continue to be vigilant about how unkind I can be just because I want them to understand so they can feel better or they can understand better, or see. It's a very subtle thing that we can get into. [00:07:54] So don here, asking about the cat, also asked about the metaphysical component of it. And ra, in essence, is saying, well, the metaphysical component of this is that the body deteriorates due to old age. And, you know, that's built in our plan. [00:08:14] Nobody is exempt from dying. [00:08:18] We all die. [00:08:20] So, yes, that's the catalyst of old age. There's nothing too complex here. [00:08:27] Let's see what else Don has to ask. [00:08:33] Don says, with the drops that you spoke of, that would aid the eyesight. How much would they aid the eyesight if they were to be administered? So how much of a benefit this would provide? [00:08:47] And Ross says, over a period of applications, the eyesight would improve somewhat, perhaps 20, perhaps 30%. The eye region would feel less tight. Balance against this is rapidly increasing stiffness of motion, so that the holding in a still position is necessarily quite uncomfortable. [00:09:12] So here it is. So you have the situation is this one, the eye of the cat is. [00:09:26] It's sort of blind. It's not fully blind, but it's not seen well. Of that amount of eyesight, that could perhaps increase or improve 20% to 30%. [00:09:43] Now, to us humans, that sounds like. Okay, yeah, you know, that's. That's something I'm willing to do. Of course, I can submit myself to that. But eight, the cat doesn't know what's happening to him and what they are doing to him. Second, I'm not a cat, but I'm inclined to believe that I wouldn't feel as a cat, 20 and 30% as, wow. You know, this is amazing. I can see so much better, especially because animals adapt to whatever they have easier than us. They don't have the psychological component of thinking how it used to be and how they would want it to be and so on. So things like this, we can superimpose to them and think that that's appropriate for them. And I can't help but think that this is a similar thought than, say, ra had by doing things like pyramids, you know. Oh, you know, from our perspective, this would be very helpful. And look at what happened. [00:10:53] So, you know, from one density to another, it's not like, necessarily, we have too much wisdom. [00:11:02] And, you know, I was reading this book by which I highly recommend Bernardo Cashrup. And he was coming up with this model of reality under idealism, where he talks about the mind membrane. And long story short, he gets to the end of the book, and he is talking about the possibility of there being higher entities that know a lot more than us. And so he gets into this very specific paradigm or question, do they really know what's best for us? Maybe it is us who know what's best for ourselves, because we're learning about that. And that's pretty accurate. [00:11:52] I feel that that is precisely the purpose of creation. I mean, this is what we know in the raw material and the law of one model in general. But, yeah, I feel that this is, you know, we learn for ourselves. And when other entities who think that they know what's best for us try to help us, it doesn't go according to plan. It never goes according to plan. So why or how you know that? This is the question? It's not a question for inaction. Like I said, we all have to follow whatever instincts we have and desires of care and love and so on, but always pose the question, why am I doing this? Why am I trying to help? [00:12:39] Reminds me of another yogi who used to live as they sometimes do. They live in a cave. And I don't know the story as to how he came out of the cave and started talking to people, and people gathered around him, and he became, in essence, a guru. And later in his life, or maybe years after, I don't know the exact time frame, he says that the. [00:13:12] The worst thing that he did was to come out of that cave. [00:13:17] You know, you get stuck helping people, and, you know, is that good? Is that bad? Well, that depends, you know, so, again, there's no morality. I feel like we often want to know what is the best thing that I can do? Well, the best thing that you can do is what you want to do, but always, you know, be willing to learn that what you're doing is not the best, meaning that you can always be better. And so, you know, just continue learning, is what I mean. [00:13:51] So, yeah, the 20% to 30% improvement, I don't think, would have been so much of a difference for the cats. [00:14:00] And again, when we think we're doing good, we may be doing harm. In this case, Ross says that balance against this is rapidly increasing stiffness of motion. So holding the cat still right while given the drops, and, I mean, must be an awful experience for the cat, feeling old, feeling maybe a little bit cranky, and then have to be submitted to this and as far as I understand, these eye treatments are several times a day. [00:14:38] So the following questions that we're going to find. [00:14:44] We don't have an answer, but I'll try to speculate. [00:14:50] Question 18, Don says, then Ra thinks that the benefit derived from the drops would not be worth the cat's discomfort. This would probably. And he stops and he says, is there any way that the cat could give or could be given an aesthetic in drops put in the eyes so that the cat was not aware of getting the drops? [00:15:15] And Ross says, the harm done by putting the allopathic anesthetic into the body complex of this harvestable entity far overshadows the stillness accruing therefrom, which would allow administration of medicaments. [00:15:40] So three options. We leave the cat, be blind as it is, and just get used to that. I feel like I said, that animals adapt easier to conditions than we do because they don't have to psychologically suffer. And if they do, it's very mild, very tiny. I don't even know. [00:16:04] But it seems like they can adapt when we know that what we can do would harm them more. [00:16:12] And we can come up with a lot of examples of this, but I won't. [00:16:19] So we have option A. That's that. Option B, put the drops, administer the drops to the eyes while holding him still and opening his eye. And that seems like torture. I mean, as good as. I mean, I'm not saying, again, that maybe you have to do this and it's fine. You know, the cat is young. It's going through a treatment that is going to save his eyesight. Obviously, I'm not saying in any case, but in this case, it seems like torture for the poor Gandalf. [00:16:56] And so doing that is option B, which they have been discussing. And option C is what Don suggested to put anesthetics into the can, which, again, you know, it's a. [00:17:12] It's a kind, benevolent idea, you know. So to bypass the suffering of option B, let's give him, you know, anesthetics or numb him down. [00:17:26] Well, Ross says that the harm done by putting these anesthetics far overshadows the stillness that would be, you know, from option B, to hold him. Him still. [00:17:40] So again, you know, sometimes the things that we believe that are more beneficial for somebody else end up being lot more harmful in many ways. So it's. It's something to consider. You know, it's about what sort of ethical behavior do we think is more appropriate and learning from them. [00:18:05] I guess that's how I see it. Anyway, question 19. Don says, I'm sorry to belabor this subject so much, but I was really hoping to come up with some way of helping Gandalf. I assume then, that Ra has suggested that we just leave things as they are. How many applications of drops would be necessary to get some help for the eyes? Roughly? And Ron says, approximately 40 to 60. [00:18:41] Even Don says, 40 to six. What, each day? Once a day or something like that. [00:18:49] Rob says, please expel breath over this instrument's breast. [00:18:56] And this was done as directed. [00:19:00] Then Don says, is that satisfactory? [00:19:03] Ross says, yes. [00:19:06] And Don says, I had asked if the drops should be administered once per diurnal period, is that correct? And Ross says, this depends upon the allopathic physician from whom you received them. [00:19:23] So again, this just to put more into context, 40 to 60 drops. Let's just say it's a day. [00:19:36] It doesn't seem reasonable that you would put 40 to 60. You'll drown on 40 to 60 drops. Your eyes would drown, especially a cat's eye. So my guess is that this was distributed over, you know, at least three times. At least three times a day, maybe even more. But that's the Standard, isn't it? I mean, let me give you some historical evidence about this. When I got surgery on my eye, again, if you didn't catch it, I mentioned it in the last episode. I had a trauma when I was a child. I actually have a picture still somewhere where I have my patch, my eye patch. I was two, three years old, and I had a trauma with a nail on the wall, and I almost lost my eye. And as a result, I have poor vision, which is just the damage that the eye sustain. But I also develop a cataract, which is just traumatic cataract. [00:20:43] And when I was 18 or so, I got it extracted and replaced with artificial lens, because cataract is just a darkening of, I believe it's called the crystalline in English, I know in Spanish it is. So it's a sort of membrane or sac that has a liquid and it's supposed to be clear. [00:21:09] So that got replaced. And after that, I believe it was after that. And then I had some other laser surgery to see if it could improve the eyesight. The whole point is that I remember putting drops in my eyes every 30 minutes. [00:21:27] There was a point as soon as I got out of surgery, I had four different types of drops. It was every 2 hours each. So it was half hour. Every half hour I had to put a drop in my eye. This was 2000 year 2000. [00:21:44] Maybe now it's different. I don't know how it is, but this is 18 years after this channel material, so I don't know. [00:21:56] I honestly don't know how often it must have been, but at least three times a day seems reasonable. That's a lot of drops. So you can imagine poor Gandalf just every couple of hours just being, you know, submitted to this torture just so he can improve 20% to 30%. All right, I think I'm beating a dead horse here, but you get the point. [00:22:20] So, yes, that is what. [00:22:24] That's what the situation was. [00:22:27] So in the next question, we're going to find the excessive worry from Don. [00:22:36] And Ra's answer. [00:22:40] Don says in question 23, what is the name of the drops? And Ra says, we have a difficulty, therefore, we shall refrain from answering this query. Hmm. [00:22:54] What difficulty was that? And then Don says, I am sorry to belabor this point. I am very concerned about the cat, and I understand that Ra recommend we don't use it. I just. And he stops and says, use the drops, and we won't. I just wanted to know what it was we weren't doing that would help the eyesight. I apologize for belaboring this point. I'll close just by asking Ra if you have any further recommendation that you could make with respect to this animal, this cat. [00:23:32] Ra says, as always, and as usual, rejoice in its companionship. [00:23:43] I believe I said this also in my last episode, where we talked about the beginning of this conversation and the importance of lending a joyful attitude, you know, to those who we cannot help directly or more intensely, I guess that's all we can do, right? Rejoice in their companionship. Notice that we care about them. Right? That's the initial thing. [00:24:20] When we can do more, that's it. You know, that's. [00:24:25] That's all we can do. That's all we can do. But the care and the love that we have for them, that's always there, and it manifests in so many different ways. So 40 to 60 drops. Better to give 40 to 60 hugs, you know, that's a lot more. [00:24:42] Or, you know, pets or petting, whatever. Just 40 to 60 appreciations of. [00:24:50] Of his existence, of its life, of love, just. Yes, sharing that love. [00:24:58] So, again, this is not a way to criticize the fact that we all care for our pets and others and say, it's not okay to care. You know, we shouldn't care. We just. We should just let things happen. This is a very new agey, non dual approach to life. Everything is so we have to do nothing. [00:25:28] The separate self becomes, um, effortless. [00:25:34] The separate self becomes a sort of crystalline separate self. Oh, I don't do anything. I. The self don't do anything. I just let things happen to me. [00:25:50] And that's not what I'm trying to say. It's just, again, noticing that it's impossible not to care. And at the same time, it's also almost impossible to help. [00:26:04] Ross said this, actually, you think I'm making things up, but there's a part where they say, I'm not gonna look it up, but there's a part where they say, like, the. [00:26:17] Exactly what I said. Like, the. The total impulse to teach and the almost impossibility to do so, something like that. I forget. I'm paraphrasing horribly, but it's true. Like, we we think we can help. [00:26:33] We don't. All we're doing is showing that we care, but we have to be vigilant, because, like, in this case, and it's a very mild, very moving example of don't. But you can see that it's going into caring too much. You know? And as I mentioned in the last episode, we can get to the point of just, you know, we have to keep him alive. You know, like, that's the purpose. We have to show that we care. We have to keep them alive for as long as possible. [00:27:12] Again, you see my point here? We obviously want to keep pets and people alive. That's a normal thing. But how much is too much? When is it time to pull the plugs? You know, sounds horrible, but it's the truth. When do we let them go? When do we accept their destiny? [00:27:38] And in a way, I I was involved in this. I've mentioned it several times. But to me, it's been one of the most beautiful catalysts that I've ever experience. And with my mother, I had to do just that. You know, I had to accept her decision, and I did it without blinking. I. For the first time, I realized that she, she was saying no to the medical authorities and saying, you know, quietly, implicitly, she said, it's time to go. And, you know, I was the first one to nod and say, getting you out of here. And I did. And so I know how much we can care. You know, how much. I mean, that it's like two forces get there, and you feel how much you care, and the other one, you feel how much you accept, you know, what they're going through and what they want. So it's catalyst. How are you going to react? There is no set. You know, the logos didn't set this up to say, okay, you know, here in the archetypical mind, you're gonna find the right answer to everything. That's not how it works. You're the one making the decision. So, yes, okay. Like Don said, I'm sorry to belabor on this point so much. Let's move to the next question coming out of and the final question that we have, actually, before closing, Don says, in question 25. [00:29:19] He sighs and then says, when we got our introduction back from our publisher to the book, which was originally called the law of one, in the introduction, Carla had been speaking of reincarnation. There was a sentence added. It said, for although originally part of Jesus teachings, they were censored from all subsequent editions by the empress. Would Ra please comment on the source of that being placed in our introduction? [00:29:52] Ra says, this follows the way of subjectively interesting happenings, conditions, circumstances, or coincidences. We would suggest one more full query at this time. [00:30:07] So this is a something that happened, apparently, that they sent this written material, not only law of one, but also the introduction. And this phrase appeared in the introduction. And when they checked, they said, well, nobody wrote that. Why is that there? [00:30:32] And so Don was interested, why? Or what's the source of this? And Ross says, well, synchronicities, man. Things happen. That's, in essence what they said. [00:30:46] Subjectively interesting happenings, conditions, circumstances, or coincidences. [00:30:54] Again, I don't know where that came from. What was the whole point? [00:31:00] I'm not even sure what it meant for them. And there's no commentary other than Jim saying that this happened as they send it and received it back from the Dunning company. I think it was their publishers. So, yeah, that's, in essence, all I have. [00:31:19] Let's go to the last question, or closing from Ra. [00:31:26] Don, prior to the veiling process, there was, I am assuming, no archetypical plan for the evolutionary process. It was totally left up to the free will of the mind, body, spirits to evolve in any way that they desired. Is this correct? [00:31:45] And Ra says, no, I am Ra. We leave you in appreciation of the circumstances of the great illusion in which you now choose to play the pipe and timbrel and move in rhythm. We are also players upon a stage. The stage changes. The axe rings down. The lights come up once again, and throughout the grand illusion and the following and the following. There is the undergirding majesty of the one infinite creator. All is well. Nothing is lost. Go forth, rejoicing in the love and the light. The peace and the power of the one infinite creator. I am Ra Alunai. [00:32:33] Well that's a way to exit, right? [00:32:39] I don't even think they said, hey, last question. They just, you know, made a closing with a flourish and they just simply said no to Don's question about the archetypical mine. [00:33:00] Again, I'm not sure what the angle of this question was from Don when prior to the veiling. I mean, there was an archetypical mind. [00:33:10] He says prior to the veiling process, there was no archetypical plan for the evolutionary process. [00:33:18] It was totally left up to the free will of the mind, body, spirits to evolve in any way that they desired. [00:33:29] As far as I understand it now, there is, there is a progression depending on how separated you are, right, from third density, you have to go to fourth and so on. [00:33:42] So that's the plan, right? And the archetypical mind was basic, but it was still there. There was a structure of mind, body, spirit. And that mind, body, spirit was broken down into matrix potentiator, right? [00:34:01] Matrix potentiator and significator. [00:34:05] So that's an archetypical mind. And of course, if there is an archetypical mind, then there is a structure. And that structure is how we evolve. [00:34:16] Alright, so in any case, I just try to answer Don's question with my limited knowledge, but Ra gives a very poor poetic and beautiful answer here. [00:34:32] We may be inclined to say Ra didn't answer this question. How beautiful it would have been that they answer specifically, you know, how was the archetypical mind prior to the veiling and the evolution? There's a beautiful question there that Ra didn't answer. [00:34:49] Well, I prefer this actually, because when you read it, you see that they're saying we leave you. Okay. In appreciation. [00:35:02] So we're essent in essence, we're putting you in this appreciation of the circumstances of this great illusion in which you in essence, decide to play music and dance. [00:35:19] In essence, you are creating the music and you're also dancing to it. [00:35:24] Beautiful way to put it. They also remind us, and I find this very important, we are also players upon a stage. [00:35:34] They are just another mental resource. They are nothing beyond ourselves. [00:35:45] The stage changes. [00:35:47] The acts rain down the illusion. The creation is always changing. [00:35:57] Our lives are always changing. Our minds are always changing. Everything is just one continuous change. [00:36:04] And the acts rain down, meaning everything collapses down again. And then the lights come up once again. [00:36:15] So death and rebirth, but not in the, in the sense that we normally see it in mortality as human bodies but rather the death and rebirth of the mind. [00:36:33] And throughout the grin, the grand illusion. And the following. And the following meaning. [00:36:39] Through every act, through every change, through every heartbeat, vibration, creation and destruction, there is the undergirding majesty of the one infinite creator. That's where we want to go. That's where we want to begin and end. As Ross suggested, always begin and end. In the creator. [00:37:09] All is well. Nothing is lost. [00:37:13] So I love this answer, particularly to finish the topic of this last part of session 104. [00:37:27] Conclusions. [00:37:29] Well, again, as I mentioned, it is impossible not to care. [00:37:37] And at the same time, it's impossible not to see that we. [00:37:44] We are helpless. [00:37:50] We can only figure things out for ourselves. So in the end, anything that we do to help, it's an extension. It is a protrusion of our love for whatever it is that we're trying to help. So what I'm trying to suggest here is that we never lose sight of the reason why we care, the reason why we have become the way we have become, or how we are for trying to help anybody. [00:38:26] Never lose touch with that source, which is love is the desire to, you know, to share, to see the other person better, the other self. Including pets here. So I think this answer here at the end reminds us of that. Because if we start with the creator, if we start with this primordial mind, then we are already. All. [00:39:01] All the potential for caring is right there. All the potential for doing anything, helping anybody, is right there. And I don't mean this as a resource in which we take out meaning that from this creator thing that is there, I'm just gonna draw out like I'm plundering, you know, the creator for tools and ways, techniques to help others. [00:39:29] That may be the case that may come out. But I'm saying, from that state of simply being is the best way in which we can help. [00:39:40] Because it's sort of like all the energy is there and the best way that we can help, or we can do anything, will come out as spontaneous as possible as it is, as it should be. Without, of course, the mental process of saying, did I do it right? Could I have done it better? And so on, and avoiding, you know, this, this. Then we start to care too much when it is too much. [00:40:15] So that's all we have for today. [00:40:19] We just finished session 104. We have two more sessions to go. Probably four more episodes. We're counting down. I'm not sure what the material is in session 105. [00:40:32] Probably having to do with their situation, moving car less energy sickness and all that. [00:40:40] I'm guessing, I don't know. I don't remember. But it's all personal material at this point, as we know, and we have two more sessions for that. [00:40:52] Here's where I say thank you for following me for the past 40 minutes or so and to say that I appreciate you. If you want to get involved with what we're doing with our weekly meditations, check the Telegram channel that we have always in the description. You can find it. And if you want to know more about what else I do, go check in the description as well, my course and my instagram, where I'm active, posting a lot of this path information, my teaching in general. [00:41:27] And with that, we come to the end of this episode, the end of session 104. Have a good day or good night, whatever you are, and stay safe. I'll see you in session 105.

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